Dianne Feinstein plays dumb
Dianne Feinstein
Dear Chris:
Thank you for writing to express your concern regarding condensation trails which appear behind jet aircraft engine. I appreciate the time you took to write, and I welcome the opportunity to respond.
A 2000 study completed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) concluded that the trails behind jet engines are composed mainly of water and do not pose health risks to humans. They do, however, affect the level of clouds in the atmosphere and may consequently affect ambient temperatures.
This report found that condensation trails, or contrails, are line-shaped clouds which are produced by the combination of water vapor in aircraft engine exhaust and low ambient temperatures in the atmosphere at high altitudes. Depending on the temperature and humidity, these trails may evaporate quickly or expand into large cloud formations. I appreciate knowing of your concerns regarding condensation trails from aircraft, and I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind should Congress consider legislation on this matter.
Again, thank you for writing. If you have any further questions or comments, please contact my office in Washington, D.C. at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.
Sincerely yours, Dianne Feinstein United States Senator
Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the nation are available at my website, feinstein.senate.gov. And please visit my YouTube, Facebook and Twitter for more ways to communicate with me.
Oct 16 at 6:49 PM
Though I was pleased to receive a reply email from your office, the 'form' letter which I received clearly does not address my concerns. The reply email also makes it very obvious to me that the letter I wrote as well as the petition I signed have not been read or understood. I recognize that the letter I am writing now will also likely fall on deaf ears and serve to further reinforce my own mistrust and skepticism of modern politicians yet I will continue because if nothing else it is a positive experience for me to speak my mind and I can share my letter with many others who will understand my points and possibly find some inspiration in the exercise in futility.
This reply 'form' letter is addressing 'persistent contrails' which is a term I have become well acquainted with in my research and review in particular of NASA's website which attempts to explain and de-mystify the trails that appear behind planes. If a person had actually read the petition which I submitted she would be aware that the term 'contrails' never showed up once in the petition or in my letter nor are 'persistent contrails'. I will not waste anyone's time arguing over the existence of contrails as it is a clear well documented fact that condensation and contrails do exist.
The subject which I am concerned with is very specific. I am concerned about geoengineering and weather modification technologies. Many articles, scientists, government documents, websites and commentaries deal with these two terms. There is a plethora of information available on the web and in books for anyone to see. Researchers such as Dane Wigington and Rosalind Peterson claim to have proof in the form of soil and water tests that indicate the use of Aluminum, Strontium, and Barium in high concentrations here in California. Until these claims are investigated honestly in a legitimate public forum activists will not be satisfied. Letters similar to mine will continue. By changing the subject, effectively dodging the issue with the 'persistent contrails' distraction you and your staff implicate yourselves as part of an obvious cover up program or a general ignorance of public concern. This tactic will only serve to further distance your political office from the people that might otherwise support you.
I do not expect anyone to easily 'accept' that there is a global or country wide covert conspiracy to control the weather, however I do challenge folks like yourself to investigate this for yourselves and not to rely on institutions such as NOAA, DOD, or NASA to tell the truth to you as these organizations will give only a 'canned' statement that does not address the deeper issues which I have presented in this email and the petition which your office replied to.
Here are a few search terms that may actually lead to discovery:
Weather modification
Here is one basic question which your office may actually be able to investigate or find some factual information on. What weather modification programs are currently underway in California? I know for a fact that there are at least two weather modification programs in progress yet this is not common knowledge. An answer to this basic question will show that there is some honesty within your office.
Please understand my frustration in dealing with this difficult issue. I am a concerned citizen with children who cares deeply about the environment and the future of humanity. You have an opportunity to restore my faith in political systems by an honest answer or minimal investigation. Another 'canned' statement will only serve to further degrade my faith and trust in politics and politicians.
Here is one link to solidify my point that geoengineering is truly a concern:
Chris Jantzen
Santa Rosa, CA
Registered voter