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To President and Senators:

We, the undersigned, are requesting U.S. Congresspersons, Senators, and other Government employees and appointees to address the issue of ongoing geoengineering and HAARP activity that is taking place without the consent of the population. We are demanding that our government disclose information about such activity. As citizens of the U.S., we expect our government officials to represent us, address our valid concerns, and take action to terminate such environmentally risky programs that are also having a severe impact, both short and long term, on the health of our population. The results of rainwater tests, soil sample tests, and standing water tests that have been done in various areas of the U.S. are all showing alarmingly high levels of aluminum, barium, strontium, other harmful substances. The heavy metal test results are consistent with ongoing discussions and existing patents for Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. These heavy metals remain in our atmosphere and are falling upon our soil, our water supply, and our food supply. We are inhaling heavy metal particulate matter on an ongoing basis, and these nanoparticle-sized metals are being absorbed by our bodies, by those of our pets and livestock, and by our produce. Most notably, it is causing long term air pollution, resulting in severe respiratory diseases in our population, especially among those people most vulnerable. The aerosolized metals being sprayed from jet aircraft are having a devastating effect on our trees, gardens, water and farms. Irreversible damage is being done to our ecosystems, and to our soil and water supply. Aluminum, once it enters the ecosystem, can never be removed. We acknowledge that the negative effects of geoengineering extend far beyond the environment and the health of all living things. The damage that is occurring will have immeasurable effects on the economy, in the form of lost solar production, damage to crops, lost tourism income, and devalued real estate, among other industries.

The average American has no concept of the extent to which he is deceived. While children file into classrooms and adults drive to work planes are delivering payloads of aerosols into the atmosphere creating the network of clouds filling the sky. The long white plumes that crisscross and checker the sky blur into wispy cotton candy streaks often long before anyone has a chance to get a good look at what caused the phenomena. Often the whole sky becomes an oily haze which creates rainbow highlights near the sun. The most heinous aspect of the crime is the fact that the public is left completely out of the equation and for the most part is completely clueless to what is going on. Powerful radio transmitters all over the globe transmit waves into the atmosphere, heating up the ionosphere and exciting nano sized particles to influence the weather. Storms are diverted or broken up into smaller systems and water is moved hundreds of miles to fall somewhere else sometimes in the form of floods or huge ice balls. Weather modification is used in most countries of the world as a tool for all what we cannot know. Drought? Floods? Solar radiation management? Some even suggest population control.

How can we guess anything about a program that is so secret we know almost nothing about it? How advanced is this tech and how is it carried out on such a large scale requiring much organization, planning and cooperation? The extent and the precedent which this program requires suggest such a staggering conspiracy it is hard to comprehend the immensity of the situation.

We owe it to the next generation and all future generations to disclose the United States role in geoengineering and HAARP and to demand that it be TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY!

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